Full Guides
Department Users Guide
Provides step-by-step directions for creating a Proposal record and a Service Request.
PI and Key Personnel Guide
PIs and Key Personnel walk-through of logging into Fibi and answering Questionnaires and Certifications.
Research Administrators Guide (JHURA & SOM ORA users)
Walk-through of the steps for Approval, Administrative Corrections, Service Request Review, Institute Proposal (IP) Modifications, and Linking Supplements to Awards.
Comprehensive Report Guide
Information regarding all BIRT reports: data sources, calculation explanations, how to run a report, and what data fields are included in each.
Click the links for pdf short-form instructions. Items with a film icon have an updated video for 5.0. Go to the video page.
Activity Types
Each type listed and explained
Customize Dashboard: Units, etc.
Change layout to suit specific user needs
Widgets Explained
List/Explanation of Widgets and their purpose
Approval Delegation
Temporarily assign approval roles to colleague(s) while out of office
Hover over icons for the meaning or further explanation here
Technical or functional support via various avenues
Service Request
General guide to creating
Linked Records
Use Medusa to find records across PD, Institute Proposal and Award modules
Provides starting point for OS required by federal agencies. Note: not comprehensive; only Fibi data is included.
Provides a walk-through to choose the correct proposal or service request type.
List and description of all BIRT reports
How to run reports
List that can be used in searches and still render results
Walk-through to unlock Proposal Development (PD) records or Service Requests.
Suggested Links to assist with PD creation. Also see helpful links in footer
Adding Key Personnel
Step-by-steps on adding key personnel, including non-employees not showing in the Address Book
Adding Permissions (roles) to a PD
Permissions tab review and giving access to users external to the PD lead unit as in collaborations and interdisciplinary research
Approval Delegation
Temporarily assign approval roles to a colleague while out of the office
How to effectively include all documents needed into a proposal
How to create a General Budget Summary in a proposal
An guide to answering the certification questions and how to send key persons notifications to complete
Change Lead Unit
Step-by-steps explaining how to change/correct the PD lead unit
Comment creation and explanation of the private status
Copy a Proposal
There are two ways a proposal can be copied; both are explained.
Deactivate (Delete) a PD
Records are never deleted but can be hidden from workflow if changed to deactivated
Department Checklist
Optional tool: keep track of steps taken, train new staff, or use as a general guide for navigating proposal process across Fibi and sponsors’ portals
Finding Proposals
The search function explained in detail
How to Start a PD
Minimum steps required to create a record, but not submit
How to customize notifications received
PD Summary
View and/or print the Proposal Summary
PI & Key Persons Certifications & Questionnaires
Directions for PIs and Key Personnel for filling out the Questionnaires and Certifications
Printing Fillable Forms
Send questionnaires and certifications to PI and Key Personnel when completing the information by proxy
PI is responsible for providing questionnaire information in addition to his/her own Certification
Allows users to submit and then pull the record back from approval routing for additional changes.
Researcher Profile
Allows department users and PIs to maintain demographic and activity information
Training: Update COI & Effort Training
Training is required in order to accept awards
Unable to Find Personnel & Organizations
Outline and directions for types of personnel/organizations that can/cannot be added by users
Unlock a PD
Locking ensures data is not overwritten in a record. Unlock by either always returning to Dashboard or manually unlocking the record
Click the links for pdf short-form instructions. Items with a film icon have an updated video for 5.0. Go to the video page.