ORIS maintains a list of users who have elected to receive messages from us periodically regarding updates, issues or opportunities.
If you wish to join this list, click on the “Join Here” button in the ORIS footer at any time.
September 25: Fibi Alert: Questionnaire Change Postponed
September 24: Fibi Alert: Minor Change to International Questionnaire
August 15: Fibi Alert: Changes Upcoming
August 7: ORIS Website Survey
July 24: Fibi Alert: Fibi Unavailable this Weekend
May 21: Fibi Bits BIG CHANGE
May 7: Fibi Alert: Certification Questionnaire Modification
May 1: Fibi Bits – No Meeting Tomorrow
April 25: Fibi Notifications Adjustment
April 22: Fibi Unavailable: Tonight
April 19: Fibi Notifications: Patch Change
April 16: Fibi Scheduled Downtime
March 12: Fibi Bits: Every Thursday at 11:00am
January 29: Questionnaire Changes this Wednesday
November 27: Fibi Downtime: November 30th, 8pm
November 14: Fibi Outage Resolved
November 14: Fibi Outage Reported
October 25: Fibi Progress Update
October 23: FIBI IS LIVE
October 18: INFORMATION FOR FIBI GO-LIVE: Tuesday Notice
September 25: INVITATION: Fibi Soft Launch Opportunity
September 13: Fibi at Your Fingertips: Did You Know?
September 5: Fibi Quick Videos: What are they?
August 16: FIBI TRAINING: Yes, We Have a Go-Live Date!
August 10: ORIS Mailing List REPLACED the Coeus One: Did you know?
August 9: Where the Coeus Stuff Went: Did you know?
August 8: Requesting Coeus or Fibi Roles: Did you know?
June 15: UAT Reminder – June 15
June 13: UAT Reminder – June 13th
June 8: UAT Reminder – June 8th
June 7: UAT Reminder – June 7th
June 6: UAT Reminder – June 6th
June 5: Fibi UAT Begins Today! June 5th
June 1: Coeus Alert: NIH Questionnaire
May 30: FINAL Fibi UAT is Scheduled! Mark Your Calendars
May 2: Notes and UAT Sign-Up Announcement
May 1: Website Announcement
Welcome to the new page for ORIS communications. Check back here to see what we’re saying to the research community, or join the mailing list using the “Join Here” button below!