Thank you for your interest in participating in the Fibi Soft-Launch!
As part of ensuring a smooth launch, ORIS and POLUS intend to stage a “soft-launch.” This means that a number of users will be granted early access to the Production environment for Fibi in order to prepare, approve and submit.
We are especially interested in finding users preparing for the November 5th NIH deadline.
If you are interested in participating in this soft-launch opportunity, please complete the quick sign-up form below. ORIS will collect responses and choose a representative sample of users to participate. Everyone who submits a form will be informed whether or not they’ve been selected to participate. ORIS will accept participation forms through Monday, October 9th.
To be clear, these proposals will be completely prepared, routed and approved in Fibi. While a ‘back-up” PD could also be prepared in Coeus, it should be held in reserve for use only should a problem arise in Fibi. This soft-launch process will verify that not only proposal development and submission, but also system integration with SAP and HR are working properly.
Thank you for your consideration of this opportunity. We look forward to working with those people interested in jumping into Fibi early!
Please remember that Fibi is not “fully baked.” Until we announce UAT is underway, some things may not work…
Log into the testing instance of Fibi HERE. Use your JHED ID (not email address) and polus123 as the password to log in.
You can ask a question by emailing [email protected], or from within Fibi at the ORIS Support Link in the upper menu list.
Check the ORIS calendar for any updates or changes.
Group Session Schedule:
- June 5: PD Day: Please create lots of different PDs – pointers are on the script files for the day, along with a general feedback form to report findings.
- June 6: Load Test Day: Please log into Fibi at 2:00 pm. Access the system at any other time, but we need lots of people logging in at 2:00 to test performance. Scripts will include lots of copying and other things that load the system.
- June 7: Service Request Day: Scripts will describe creating, routing and approving Service Requests.
- June 8: Dashboard & Reporting Day: Scripts will describe adjusting the dashboard and testing report generation and creating custom reports.
- June 9: Research Administrators Day: Session is for RAs only. Scripts will describe RA functions. All users my log in at any time, but this 2:00 session is for RAs only.
No. These links and Fibi are available to you 24-7. It can be both fun and helpful to test things in a group, and ORIS will be there to answer questions in person during group sessions.
A script is a spreadsheet laying out exact steps to take to perform a certain function (like adding a Key Person) and the expected result for each step. Each testing task (function) has its own script. Find the scripts at this LINK.
Not really, although the testing scripts are helpful in two ways:
1. They help new users learn and follow the correct way to enter data in Fibi.
2. They standardize the approach to using Fibi to help identify steps leading to any specific bugs or use issues that arise.
That said, it’s also helpful to go “off-script.” As part of your testing, we want you to use Fibi in a free way that might mimic use in the real-world. This is the way to find odd bugs that crop up when a typical “order of operations” is not followed.
However you test, please use the form above to record your results.