Office of Research Information Systems (ORIS)

Click the FAQs for quick information about using federal systems at JHU.  The links below will take you to information at the federal agencies.  Videos are below.



ASSIST Registration 

Registration instructions for both test and production sites.

Preparing Your Application Using ASSIST:  NIH provides step-by-step guidance for navigating the submission process using ASSIST.

ASSIST Test Site:  This link provides a detailed tutorial of the system.

ASSIST Production Site:  This link takes you to the production login site to begin a real application.

ASSIST User Guide:  NIH has created a comprehensive User Guide.

ORIS Workspace/ASSIST FAQ:  ORIS and your ORA offices have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about both Workspace and ASSIST.  As we move toward use of Workspace, questions and answers continue to be added to this document. Workspace Registration Tutorial

When you register, make sure you add an Organizational Applicant Profile using the JHU DUNS number (001910777). Workspace Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through building a basic Workspace application. Workspace Training Resources has posted a lot of training materials.  This page has links to many of them. Especially helpful may be the “Quick Click” tutorials when you have a specific question.


ORIS and your ORA offices have compiled a list of frequently asked questions about Workspace and ASSIST.